I finished an order for four of my little owls, but the collection I’ve built up made me think it was time for some family photos.
I finished an order for four of my little owls, but the collection I’ve built up made me think it was time for some family photos.
Almost done! Now I know why you never see teeth in any of Sargent’s portraits.
Almost done! Now I know why you never see teeth in any of Sargent’s portraits.
So, I’ve been a bit tied up and not quite as productive as normal. I’ve been working on a portrait, helping with my little sister’s wedding (she got married last weekend!), and sewing more strange little owls when I have the a moment to spare. Some of the results: The little red guy is available…
I’m still trying to figure out what to do with the lettering for the title, but this is the image I plan on using for my book cover…
Ok, so I can’t decide which I prefer… #1: or #2: What do you think?
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